Wednesday, February 9, 2011



Campaign Themes: Undead, Business, Fantasy


This campaign is a quirky one. It takes place in the city of Ibuaros, a Constantinople-like hub of magic and economy. The economy of the city is not based off of gold, but off of the trade of magic. The characters work for an apothecary who specializes in medicines, oils and potions concocted from the undead (think Mummy powder).

Each adventure of the campaign is based around defeating some sort of undead. The twist is that the characters are not after treasure, revenge, or justice. Instead, they are trying to collect portions of the undead for the Apothecary.

How's it work?:

The adventures are grouped into seasons, perhaps three or four to each. After each season, depending on how well the characters did, the apothecary improves or falls in its economic power. This is important because the markets of Ibuaros are open only to those of a certain class. There's a Beggar's Market, a Merchant's Market, a Noble's Market, etc. The characters start the campaign only with access to the Beggar's Market, at which they can buy items of, let's say, 10 Magics (instead of gold) or less. If the apothecary does well in the season (if the characters were successful in their adventures, in other words), the characters will now have access to the Merchant's Market, at which they can buy items worth up to, let's say, 50 Magics! This will definitely make undead hunting easier!

Each adventure will deal with a different kind of undead. Keep in mind "undead" can cover a lot of ground. For example:

Brain in a Jar
Flesh Golem
Crawling Hand
etc, etc, etc


Eliza, Tammy, Sebastian and Mark have all made their characters: various clerics, fighters, paladins, etc, who are good at fighting undead.

In this adventure, their apothecary is quite low on Zombie Brain Oil. Fortunately, a plague of zombies has been ravaging the country side. Unfortunately, this zombie plague is not human-specific. While trying to collect as many Human Zombie Brains as possible, the characters will also be fighting Cow Zombies, Pig Zombies, Horse Stampede Zombies, etc. They will also want to figure out and destroy the source of the zombie plague (a carnivorous juju plant, or something), to stiff the competition!

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